Numerical control turning machining technology and analysis

Process analysis is the preliminary process preparation work for hardware CNC turning machining. Whether the process is reasonable or not has an important influence on the later programming, the titanium machining power of the machine tool and the machining accuracy of the parts. In order to compile a reasonable and useful machining program, the programmer is required not only to understand the operating principle, functional characteristics and structure of the CNC lathe. To grasp the programming language and programming format, you should also master the machining technology of the workpiece, determine the reasonable cutting amount, and select the correct tool and workpiece clamping method. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the general process guidelines and combine the characteristics of CNC lathes to analyze the CNC turning process of hardware accessories in detail. The main contents of the analysis include: analyzing the machining requirements and rationality of the parts according to the machining drawings; inferring the clamping method of the processed parts on the CNC lathe; the machining order of the appearance of each processed part, the feed route of the tool and a series of supplies Preparations such as: selection of tools, fixtures and cutting parameters.

The analysis of the part drawing is the primary task of drawing up the CNC turning process. Mainly carry out the analysis of the scale labeling method, the analysis of the summary elements and the analysis of the accuracy and skill requirements. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the rationality of part structure and titanium machining requirements, and select process benchmarks.

  •  PTJ divides the CNC turning process into the following steps 1. An analysis of the scale marking method The scale marking method on the part drawing should be used to the machining characteristics of the CNC lathe, and the scale shall be marked with the same datum or the coordinate scale shall be given directly. This marking method is not only convenient for programming, but also conducive to the consistency of design benchmarks, process benchmarks, measurement benchmarks and programming origin. If there is no consistent design basis for the dimensions of each direction on the part drawing, consider choosing a consistent process reference without affecting the accuracy of the part. Calculate and transform various scales to simplify programming calculations. 2. Summary and analysis of the elements During manual programming, the coordinates of each node must be calculated. In automatic programming, all the geometric elements summarized by the part should be defined. Therefore, when analyzing the parts drawing, it is necessary to analyze whether the given conditions of the few elements are sufficient. 3. Analysis of accuracy and skill requirements The analysis of the accuracy and skills of the processed parts is an important part of the analysis of the processability of the parts. As long as the analysis of the dimension accuracy and surface roughness of the parts is analyzed, the machining methods, clamping methods, tools and cutting parameters can be selected correctly and reasonably Wait. The main content includes: analysis accuracy and whether the hard index skills requirements are complete and reasonable; analysis whether the CNC turning machining accuracy tolerance of the process meets the drawing requirements, if not, other titanium machining methods should be adopted to make up. At the same time, there is a margin for the follow-up process; for the appearance with position accuracy requirements on the drawing, it should be ensured that it is completed in one clamping; for the appearance with higher surface roughness requirements, constant linear speed cutting should be used (note: in the turning end face The maximum speed of the spindle should be limited).
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